Three services that save a lot of time without costing a fortune
Saves a lot of time? We know. Some of our services require big decisions and can take more time to get started. We have therefore gathered some of our simpler services that make it easier for you and save a lot of time; services that do not cost a great deal, and the advantages of which you will notice directly. Of course, we would be happy to help you with payroll, accounting and recruitment too.
No difficult decisions
It’s actually as simple as ordering and getting started; you save lots of time and can focus on more important matters. None of the services below have any tie-in period. We help you generate value, not administration.

Employee manual – Less administration, more transparency
An employee manual creates transparency and clarity for what applies in the company. In it, you gather all information on policies, laws and rules that concern the employment. It is a simple, but effective tool for reducing administration and providing a comprehensive picture of the company’s culture and values.
have more than 10 employees and want to gather all staff-related information in one place.
Improve your internal recruitment – Web tools and expert support
Accountor Recruitment Solution is a recruitment system that you hire in for a recruitment project. This cloud-based system is combined with expert help and a predefined recruitment process.
The solution covers everything from advertising, publication support for social media and handling applications, to automated messages. You gather everything you need in order to effectively and professionally handle the recruitment yourself. One recruitment – one payment. You do not tie yourself up to anything.
are going to recruit one or more people, but not so often that it is worth buying a recruitment system. It is extra advantageous if there are several of you working together in the recruitment process.

Online training in accounting, financial reporting and payroll
Accountor Training is our service for online training in accounting, HR and payroll administration so that you as a professional will easily be able to stay up to date, which in turn makes your work easier. More than 200 courses and webinars are available online and new ones are continuously being published. You can test Accountor Training free of charge for one week.
want to maintain and improve your (or your employees’) knowledge in accounting, payroll or HR where and when you want.