The price base amount for 2025
The price base amount for 2025
The Price Base Amount (PBA) reflects the price development in society. It is Statistics Sweden (SCB) that calculates the price base amount, which is then determined by the government. SCB calculates the price development from June to June, as the amount should follow the price development. There was a record increase for 2024 due to inflation, but this year the increase is not as high. The price base amount for 2025 is increased by 1,500 SEK, from 57,300 SEK (2024) to 58,800 SEK.
The price base amount, according to the Social Insurance Code (2010:110), reflects the price development in society and is used for many different calculations. The price base amount was previously called the base amount. SCB calculates this on behalf of the government, which they do annually to follow inflation. The price base amount follows the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which in turn measures the price development for private consumption in Sweden.
The price base amount is used, for example, within the tax system and social insurance. The increased price base amount is used when calculating pension points for supplementary pensions for those who will receive a pension according to older rules.
What is Affected by the Price Base Amount
The price base amount governs many different calculations, such as:
- SGI – Sickness and parental benefits
- Duty to declare
- PGI – Minimum pensionable income
- Car benefit value
- Social fees for athletes
- Tax-free domestic daily allowance
- Direct deduction for low-value assets
- Used in many agreements, membership, and service fees
Increased Price Base Amount
The increased price base amount is calculated in the same manner as the Price Base Amount by Statistics Sweden (SCB) on behalf of the government, which then determines it. The increased price base amount for 2025 is calculated to be 60,000 SEK, which is an increase of 1,500 SEK from 2024.
The increased price base amount is used in the calculation of:
- Pension points for supplementary pension (The ATP system).
Income Base Amount
The income base amount is used for calculations in the new pension system and is intended to reflect the income development for gainfully employed individuals in the country. The Swedish Pensions Agency calculates it, and the government determines it. The income base amount for 2025 is 80,600 SEK.
Examples of what is governed by the income base amount:
- PGI – maximum pensionable income