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December 2022

Energy Support scheme - application deadline as early as 11 December

Companies now have the opportunity to apply for "power support", or more precisely energy subsidy under the energy subsidy scheme. In addition, support can be applied for investments made, for example for solar panels, additional insulation and switching to LED lighting. Read more about our thoughts on the hearing here It is nevertheless important to note that the deadline for applying is very short; as early as Sunday 11 December. The company's electricity costs must be at least 3% of turnover in the first half of 2022.

The application must be confirmed by an auditor or authorized accountant. Contact your Accountor contact person if this concerns your company.


This Christmas, Accountor will help children in Ukraine

Christmas is a time of caring. This Christmas, our hearts go out to the children affected by the war in Ukraine, so we are giving our Christmas donation to UNICEF’s Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine.

As in many previous years, this year we at Accountor voted together with our customers to choose a charity cause that Accountor supports at Christmas time. The result was clear: we want to help children suffering from the war in Ukraine. We will do it by donating to UNICEF's Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine.

"The situation in Ukraine is awful and it’s difficult to understand the conditions and the horror that Ukrainian children and families are currently in. It's great that both Accountorians and our customers think that it’s important to help those suffering from the war in Ukraine," says Accountor's CEO and President Niklas Sonkin.

Helping people is in line with Accountor's People First principle. Also in accordance with the principle, Accountor directly supports its employees working in Ukraine and their families in many ways. This donation will help to support more children who are affected by the war in Ukraine.

We would like to thank all our customers and partners for this year that has been exceptional in many ways. At the same time, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a better year 2023 in all respects!