Accountor's measures related to Coronavirus prevention
As the number of coronavirus cases increases, Accountor is making changes to its operations to protect the health of its clients and employees. Our principle is to always follow the strictest guidelines regarding coronavirus. At the same time, we want to make sure that we are able to function normally and provide excellent client service even in this challenging situation.
We recommend that you deliver your company’s accounting and payroll material electronically or by mail. If your material includes confidential information please send it using data secure channels I.e. scanned, encrypted email or via Extranet. However, our offices are also prepared to receive accounting materials delivered personally.
The best way to reach your contact person is by email or phone. We strive to arrange all meetings without physical presence. So, if possible, please meet with us over the phone or online. If required, we can also arrange a personal meeting. In this case, we will avoid handshaking and will strictly observe good hand hygiene. In essential physical meetings, we will maintain a social distance of at least one metre. Training sessions will be organised online, and it will be possible to participate in client events virtually.
All Accountor employees who have the opportunity to do so will work remotely. This measure will also protect the employees at the office. Our personnel who work at our clients’ premises will follow the client company’s guidelines, but we recommend remote work for them as well where possible. The personnel have been provided separate information security instructions for remote work.
According to the Board’s instructions, employees who return from abroad will not come to the office for two weeks. We will avoid travelling in Finland, as well. All Accountor employees whose family member has been quarantined will work remotely for 14 days.
We are closely following the instructions of the Board and authorities and will update our preparedness measures accordingly. You can find our contingency plan here. We will communicate all the potential effects of the coronavirus situation on our operations. Your own contact person will help you with any questions you may have.