Do you need to hire an Financial Administrator?
If you lack capacity when processing your financial administration, but you do not want or cannot be bound by the obligations of an employment contract. We are happy to offer you a helping hand through administrative support at your location. You can count on a top-notch professional who will unburden you in an expert manner. If you do not have enough hands to process your financial administration, you do not want or cannot be tied to the obligations of an employment contract. We are happy to offer you a helping hand through administrative support at your location. You can count on a top professional who will unburden you in an expert manner.
Hiring a Financial Administrator from Accountor ensures continuity.
We understand that continuity in the administration is important. In case of illness or busyness, there may sometimes be a need for a few extra hands. Then it is a comforting feeling that you can hire an Accountor financial administrator.

A flexible deployable expert
Secondment via Accountor means that you can have an expert on a flexible basis who knows how to set up the correct administration, with up-to-date knowledge of legislation and regulations, declarations and annual accounts. Employees who not only ensure that the administration is perfect, but who also assist you with advice and assistance.
The advantages of an administrator of Accountor:
- Flexible use
- Current knowledge of laws and regulations
- Your administration up to date
- Continuity in your administration department