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Reference Ricardo

Ricardo Nederland offers solutions for carriers, manufacturers, maintenance companies and rail infrastructure providers. This happens with about 200 colleagues, mainly at higher vocational and academic level. A large part of our assignments come from NS, and we are also increasingly active abroad (Europe / world). We still have a strong connection with the practice at ProRail and NS, which means that we can test our theoretical knowledge against daily practice. Ricardo Certification has the Notified Body status, which means that Ricardo Certification is recognized to certify (foreign) rolling stock for access on the Dutch and European railway network.

Richard Laan Manager Finance, IT and Ricardo Rail: In 2015 we were looking for support on our accounts payable administration. After a conversation with Accountor, we found a suitable candidate in Fouad el Jebli. Secondment is a flexible solution for us that allows us to extend, scale up or terminate the agreement. We are very satisfied with the execution of the assignment, but above all the pleasant cooperation and flexible attitude of Accountor. ā€¯Unfortunately, the position has been canceled by Corona, but we certainly do not rule out a collaboration in the future.

Fouad El Jebli: "I enjoyed working at Ricardo for 5 years. I was able to put a lot of my knowledge into practice there, but I also learned a lot. I was responsible for the accounts payable administration, among other things. Entering invoices, dividing the costs and preparing the payment batch. More and more work was added later on "
