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Scrum is flexible way to solve problems, where the team’s well-being is essential

Scrum Master Miika Mäki ensures that Accountor's HR software development teams work well together according to the Scrum framework. Miika's task is to ensure that the team’s self-organization and multidisciplinary work in a positive atmosphere. What does this mean in practice? 

According to the official definition, Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. What does this mean in everyday work? 

In practice, this means a way of working in which product development is prioritized and broken down into short work periods, sprints. The product owner of the software or its feature is responsible for organizing the various issues to be resolved in the product development queue. The Scrum team solves tasks during the sprint. What matters is not only productivity, but also the retrospective of the sprint: what was done, what went well and how it can be further improved. 

Scrum Master Miika Mäki

"The most important task of the Scrum Master is to ensure that the Scrum team has all the prerequisites for effective operations, allowing it to focus on its full responsibilities", says Miika. 

According to Miikka, it is important that the team is encouraged to be self-organizing and multidisciplinary. However, nobody is left behind. 

“The work is done as a team or in pairs, so no one is left alone. I encourage team members to speak boldly about challenges that arise, so that we can resolve them as soon as possible.” 

Humor binds the team together 

Agile working methods are typical, especially in IT companies, but in addition to the process, mutual trust between the team is important. Whenever possible, Miika strives to nurture it in his work. 

“Even though I have 23 years of experience in this field and one year with Accountor, I am still amazed at how incredible results we can have when we work together. However, it does not happen automatically, but requires constant work and open discussion. Humor also helps, and I thank my team every day for that!” 
