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Advises for companies

New financial measures (28-5)

The Government launched a new round of financial support measures for entrepreneurs and workers on Wednesday 27 may, because of the continuing impact of the corona virus. More than 13 billion euros has been budgeted for the new emergency package. Read all about the new measures and additional conditions to the existing schemes here:

The fiscal measures (17/3)

The Dutch government announced that companies affected by the consequences of the Coronavirus are entitled to apply for a number of fiscal measures.

Rights and obligations when working from home

The official advice of the government is: Try to work from home as much as possible.
But what are the rights and obligations when working from home.

Emergency Measure for Work Retention (6/4)

An entrepreneur who expects a loss of turnover (at least 20%) can apply for a contribution to wage costs at the UWV for a period of three months. The scheme is operational from now on.

Temporary extra assistance for self employed professionals

Local government (municipalities) will implement a temporary assistance scheme designed by the government.Self employed professionals can receive additional livelihood support for three months by using an accelerated procedure.
This supplements the income to the social minimum and does not have to be repaid.

Broaden the surety SME financing (BMKB)

SMEs with liquidity problems due to the consequences of corona can temporarily count on extra favorable conditions under the BMKB.

No high unemployment contribution > 30% overtime

Now that it is desirable that a lot of overtime is worked as a result of the corona crisis in sectors such as health care, public services, etc.,
Government is working on a temporary role for no high contribution> 30% overtime.

Activities Accountor ( 29-09-2020)

In the Netherlands, measures against the spread of the coronavirus will apply from today until 1 November. Accountor also takes its responsibility and that is why many of our employees work from home. It may occur that we are not or less accessible by phone. We ask for your understanding and request you to contact us by e-mail.

At Accountor we work in teams and therefore have backups when colleagues are on vacation or sick, for example. In addition, all our employees have the opportunity to work remotely. We can therefore continue to provide you with our services as you have come to expect from us.

We will of course inform you if the situation changes drastically, for example due to stricter measures by the authorities or other matters that we cannot currently anticipate.