Monthly Minumum Wage & Consolidated Report Changes
The official amount of a "minimum wage" in Ukraine has changed, and, so have payroll-related reports. Read the explanations from Accountor Ukraine (below) to find out what has changed and how it may affect your business.
1. The Minimum Wage Amount
According to the Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022, on October 1, 2022, the amount of the minimum wage in Ukraine increased to UAH 6,700, or UAH 40.46 per hour. Since the amounts of certain taxes, payments and social benefits are based on the minimum wage amount, they will also be increased. Let us take a closer look on what impact it will have.

- The minimal USC (Unified Social Contribution) is 22% minimum wage, i.e. the new minimal USC amount is UAH 1,474 per month.
- The maximum USC tax base (15 minimum wages) shall be UAH 100, 500.
- The fine for labor relations violations (10 MWs) shall be UAH 67,000 for each violation.
- Severance pay in case of conscription, or joining the armed forces, or being sent to alternative service shall be UAH 13, 400 грн (2 MWs).
What Has Not Changed?
- The maximum tax-free per diem amount for business trips across Ukraine must not exceed UAH 650.
- The single tax of the Private Entrepreneurs of Group 2 (20% MW) will also remain unchanged, since it is the MW amount as of January 1 of the current year that is used as tax base for the entire year.

2. New Consolidated Report Template
The facts of downtime, employee absenteeism, suspension of employment contracts as well as the facts of preserving the average paycheck for mobilized citizens prompted the Ministry of Finance to update the Consolidated report template (Order # 189 dated July o4, 2022). The companies will have to use the new templates when filing reports for the period of October - December 2022.
It should be noted that all of these changes are related either to the main part of the Tax Calculation, or to Appendix D2, and or to Appendix 4DF.
Appendix 4 DF has more lines now for income from the sales of agricultural products.
The changes in the main part of the Tax Calculation pertain to the employees who joined the Armed Forces. The new lines are to be filled out only for those employees who did not receive any income in the form of financial support during the mobilization period.
As you can see, the beginning of Q4 is full of small yet important changes. Should there be any other news, Accountor Ukraine will keep you updated. Follow us to learn more!