Accountor Ukraine provides outsourced services to companies engaged in various industries. We will help you import your products into Ukraine, open a representative office (if necessary), obtain the licenses, draw up the required documents, calculate your taxes and file your reports. Our experts monitor the news related to different economic sectors and keep our clients updated on the latest legislative changes.

Running an agricultural company is not easy. Whether you are small producer or a large-scale company, whether you are engaged in crop farming, livestock farming or in any other activities, you need to know the relevant laws and legislative changes. Our Legal Advisors will ensure that your company has all the required permits, while our Accounting Experts will take care of your day-to-day activities.

Renewable Energy
If you are about to start a solar power plant, a wind farm, a hydroelectric power plant or any other green energy facility, you need to know how to apply for the green tariff (that is, for the feed-in tariff in Ukraine). Accountor Ukraine will help you with that and with a number of other issues related to your business.

Many international IT businesses are expanding their operations to Ukraine. If that is the case for your company, you need to take into consideration the peculiarities of IT market in Ukraine. E.g., a big percentage of high-skilled IT professionals in our country are Individual Entrepreneurs. Accountor Ukraine will be happy to help you with all the paperwork, so that you could focus on your business.

Importing into Ukraine
Accountor Ukraine provides outsourced support to companies that import their products into Ukraine. These are legal and accounting services related to IMPEX activities as well as some recruitment services. Since 2008, we have been cooperating with companies engaged in various industries that import all sorts of goods.