Annual Report
Generally, all companies have to submit their annual report to the Danish Business Authority after the end of their financial year. For smaller companies, not subject to auditing requirement, it is still statutory to submit annual report and tax return. Cut back expenses on your auditor, and let Accountor take care of everything at a fixed price. Our consultants in the Annual Report Team all have a background within auditing and are highly experienced within all subject areas and industries.

Accountor assists companies of all types and sizes preparing annual reports.
For many Danish companies, the financial year follows the calendar year, i.e., 1 January to 31 December, and in this case, the deadline for submitting the annual report is 31 May.
Deadline for submission of annual report
Companies are required to submit their annual report to the Danish Business Authority. The annual report should reach the Danish Business Authority no later than 5 months after the end of the financial year. For listed companies and national joint-stock companies, the deadline is 4 months after the end of the financial year.
For branches, the branch managers must submit the foreign company’s annual report. The deadline is 5 months after the end of the foreign company’s financial year.
Notice that it is the time of receival by the Danish Business Authority that is decisive in determining whether the deadline of submission has been met.
If you do not meet the deadline
In case you do not meet the deadline for submitting the annual report, each member of management will be fined an amount up to DKK 3,000,- In case of further delay, it could result in a compulsory dissolution of the company.

Accountor offers to prepare and submit the annual report
We offer to through the bookkeeping material, do reconciliations, make necessary adjustments and afterwards prepare the annual report in accordance with the rules in force. The annual report must be submitted electronically to the Danish Business Authority – which we can also assist you with.