Electronic Workbooks: Advantages and Transition Terms
You have likely heard about electronic workbooks (a.k.a. “employment record books”) before. It is not breaking news anymore, as on June 10, 2021, the Pension Fund of Ukraine initiated a transition period to electronic workbooks, effective until June 9, 2026. During this period, it is necessary to submit scanned copies of paper workbooks and other documents that confirm an employee's work history.
Firstly, let us clarify what an electronic workbook is. It serves as a digital equivalent of a paper workbook. Its implementation aims to enhance the management of It was implemented to make keeping employment history records easier, reduce paper document circulation, and mitigate issues related to lost documents or their recovery complexities. Accessing information regarding employees' accumulated work experience is streamlined for purposes such as mandatory state social insurance payments during temporary disability, pension insurance, and automatic entitlement to these benefits without direct contact with the Pension Fund.

It is important to note that the primary change involves transitioning from paper workbooks to electronic records within the Insured Persons Register of the State Register of Mandatory State Social Insurance (Article 48 of the Labor Code of Ukraine).
Information concerning an employee's work history is stored in their personal registration file within the Insured Persons Register of the State Register.
The legislators have established a five-year transition period starting from June 10, 2021. During this time, both paper workbooks and electronic records can be used to document work history.

By June 9, 2026, both employees and employers must convert paper workbooks into electronic format. The workbook may be digitized by either the individual or the employer (if the paper workbook is stored at the employer’s).
Scanned copies of paper workbooks are uploaded via the Pension Fund of Ukraine's web portal, along with the scanned documents verifying the insurance periods, such as educational certificates, birth certificates of children (for women), military IDs, and other documents confirming periods of employment.
After the transition period concludes, employees will retain their workbooks. At the employee's request, employers are obliged to enter records of hiring, job transfers, dismissals, incentives, and work performance awards into the workbook (Article 48 of the Labor Code of Ukraine). If an employee starts their first job, brings a paper workbook and wants it to be filled out, the employer must fill out the workbook no later than five days after hiring upon the employee's request. The responsibility for filling out employment books for new employees entering the workforce for the first time no longer rests with the employer.
Upon dismissal, employers must provide employees, on the day of dismissal, with a copy of the dismissal order, a written statement detailing the accrued and paid amounts upon dismissal (Article 116), and settle any financial matters as specified by Article 116. Upon request, employers must also record the dismissal in the employee's workbook (Article 47, Labor Code).

So, in conclusion
In conclusion, the electronic workbooks represent a modern digital alternative to paper workbooks, securely storing employees' work history. So, do not delay—take steps now to transition to an electronic workbook as soon as possible!
We would also like to remind you that the Accountor Ukraine team is always happy to assist with matters related to HR administration, payroll calculation, and accounting at your company.