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Karlstad kontor redovisning lön

Accounting firm Karlstad - helps you with accounting, payroll, advisory and HR services

Accounting office Karlstad  were we help you with accounting, payroll, advisory and HR services - Welcome! You find our office in one of Karlstad's finest locations, in the Inner Harbor at Bergendorffsgatan 5A. In Karlstad, we are 40 dedicated accounting, HR and payroll consultants who are passionate about increasing the profitability of our customers. How can we help you? 



Visiting address:

Accountor Ekonomi & Rådgivning AB
Bergendorffsgatan 5 B
652 16 Karlstad

Phone: +46 (0)54 19 01 20

Postal address:

Accountor Ekonomi & Rådgivning AB
Box 364
651 09 Karlstad

Invoicing address:

e-invoice GLN-number: 7365565837809
Invoices sent by e-mail: [email protected]

Invoices sent by postal service:

Accountor Ekonomi & Rådgivning AB
1018-PAA01003 Scancloud

(Only automatic reading of invoice, no message possible. If you cannot to send invoices electronically, you send the invoice as a PDF or by post to our e-mail or invoicing addresses. Each PDF file should contain only one invoice including attachments. Only invoices and invoice attachments are to be sent to our new invoice address. Other mail and reminders must be sent to our postal address.)

59.3775961, 13.5087395

Accountor Karlstad, formerly Ekonomikompetens, was established as an accounting firm in 2004 and has been part of Accountor, northern Europe's largest company for payroll and financial services, since 2014. With over 100 offices, the Accountor Group are a full-service agency large enough to be able to deliver stably and long-term, while we have expertise near you in Karlstad. Regardless of the need or size of the company.

As one of Sweden's best career companies, we know that a successful customer starts with a motivated employee. We care about you and your result. We call it Passion For Results.

We offer qualified services in finance, accounting, HR and payroll administration. Based on the size of your company and your needs, you get a dedicated team with suitable skills. We can support you with all or part of your finance function, on site at you or from our office. Our customers largely consist of service and consulting companies as well as project-intensive companies. We also have cutting-edge expertise in Norwegian accounting where you as an entrepreneur can get help with Norwegian rules and accounting quickly and efficiently with the help of Swedish staff.

Sälj Accountor Sverige

Would you like to become a client?

Would you like to know more about our services or book a demo?
Call our business developper on +46020-30 00 40 or send and e-mail to [email protected]

Other questions

For other questions welcome to contact our switchboard +46 10-475 01 00 or send and e-mail to [email protected].

59.3775961, 13.5087395
