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bookkeeping sweden

Bookkeeping - a customized solution for you

Bookkeeping? We do it for you. 
With our bookkeeping services you also get access to the skills, routines and processes for really efficient bookkeeping. Outsourced bookkeeping always means guaranteed delivery and you avoid staffing problems. In addition, we have broad expertise in many different accounting systems, so you always have accounting that is adapted to your needs. 

We want to help you with the ongoing administrative work. We have the knowledge, practices and processes for a really efficient bookkeeping. With an outsourced solution, you always ensure delivery on time and you avoid staffing problem.

Accountor is an authorized accounting firm, which means security for you as a customer.

Our bookkeeping services

You will have the best combination of software and consulting help based on your needs; we see to it. If you want help with bookkeeping, we recommend you choose Accountor Online - our comprehensive solution for the company’s accounting management and bookkeeping. Read more about the solution here.


Bookkeeping the way you want it

In order for you to get the best solution for your company, holding,undertaking, enterprises bookkeeping, we evaluate many parameters and choose the solutions that best reflect your company’s needs. We help you regardless whether you run a limited company, sole proprietorship, partnership or association. Would you like to learn more about our flexible bookkeeping services? Contact us!

Bokföring anpassat efter dig Accountor

“The best combination of software and consulting help based on your needs”


Your growth journey is prepared

Does your company have the ambition to grow? Good. We have already prepared the way ahead, both with staffing and expertise, as well as processes and know-how. It should be inspiring to develop the business and we are here for you when you want to have more focus on the core business and have time to do what you are best at, running a business.

Whether you are a small business operator or work at a large company, we are here, all the way. When your company is small scale, a low cost for bookkeeping is important, and when you grow, you want to be able to bring in the extra resources and support needed. You are always close to our experts, who know your industry and reality.

Bookkeeping for businesses

Whether you're a small business owner or work for a large company, we're here, all the way. With specialist expertise when needed, such as support with tax advice, support in more complex accounting issues, through qualified accounting. When your business is small, low overheads for accounting are important, and as you grow you want to be able to call on the extra resources and support needed. You're always close to our experts, who know your industry and reality.

Get started with efficient bookkeeping today!

