Working at Accountor
Working for Accountor often means working as a professional accountant, payroll specialist, or software developer, but not always. Many other roles make a difference when delivering outstanding service quality, digital services, and advice for our clients.
We employ professionals in:
- financial and payroll services and advice
- developing client solutions: financial, human resources, or CRM
- software development and client deliveries
- sales, marketing, and customer relations
- support functions like finance, ICT, human resources
- a great variety of managerial tasks
All functions and career choices are valued and respected at Accountor. As a growing company, we are proud to offer opportunities to choose. We provide meaningful jobs to recognised top professionals in different areas.
The world is going digital. This is also the biggest driver in financial and HR processes. The change is a stimulating opportunity for all our people, whether you are an early adopter, a follower, or a “late bird”. We have clients in all these categories, and our mission is to help them into the new world.
Accountor puts people first
We put our people first because we are in the people business. We believe that a great workplace enables our people to deliver outstanding service quality, digital services, and advice. Our way of leading people is based on our approach, called Leaderment: a balanced combination of leadership and management. Leadership focuses on the future, it has a long-term vision and the courage to take risks and inspire people to act to reach the vision. Management is about the present, understanding where we are, where we want to go, and what steps to take. It is about implementing and measuring change. Leaderment promises are our daily support to excel in involvement and motivation. The simple but not easy commitments we make to each other are:
- I do what I say
- I show that I care
- I make things happen
Involvement and trust strengthen the Accountor team spirit
We collaborate to build our future. In regular “Get Involved” sessions, we reflect in teams on the implications of changes, and ensure that we have shared understanding of how to take practical steps towards the Accountor vision. Our annual employee survey results indicate that our employees rate us as a friendly workplace, where people can be themselves and everybody is treated fairly, regardless of their position or background. Trust is our value, and judged by our employees as a significant asset: our managers trust that the job gets done well without watching over people’s shoulders. We trust our colleagues as well: we feel that we can count on the people we work with, and we are confident that the people at Accountor are willing to give extra to get the job done.
Accountor provides opportunities for professional growth and performance
Our people develop along with our company. A growing company and business transformation provide a wide range of opportunities to fulfil individual potential: it does not matter whether one chooses to grow as a specialist in one of our services, or whether one wants to develop to become an international leader. We offer training and development opportunities for everybody. We trust our employees and want to encourage them to achieve their aspirations. Being a forerunner challenges us to be one step ahead in knowledge and skills. Accountor has a reputation as a company that invests in training. In 2013, we organised more than 3000 training days for our professionals in 7 countries. The other cornerstone of professional growth is our monthly one-to-one discussion practice between employee and manager, to ensure motivation and coaching, to succeed and improve skills on the job. We all maintain our “motivation number”, and it is only natural to talk about that in the 1-to-1`s. Long-term individual and career development are discussed and planned annually in personal development discussions.