Accounting firm in Stockholm - helps you with accounting, payroll, advisory and HR services
Accounting firm Stockholm - Welcome to Accountor Stockholm, your accounting firm in Stockholm. You find our office on Hälsingegatan 49.
In addition to accountants and payroll experts the Stockholm office also houses many of our expert advisers, specialists in accounting, tax, law, HR, real estate finances and other areas. We provide many possibilities for companies who want a more efficient economy. Read more about our services »
Visiting address:
Accountor Ekonomi & Rådgivning AB
Hälsingegatan 49
113 31 Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)10 475 01 00
Postal address:
Accountor Ekonomi & Rådgivning AB
Box 1126
111 81 Stockholm
Invoicing address:
e-invoice GLN-number: 7365565837809
Invoices sent by e-mail: [email protected]
Invoices sent by postal service:
Accountor Ekonomi & Rådgivning AB
1018-PAA01003 Scancloud
(Automatic invoice reading only. If you are unable to send invoices electronically, you will send the invoice as a PDF or by mail to our new e-mail or invoice addresses. Each PDF file should only contain one invoice including attachments. It is only invoices and invoice attachments to be sent to our new invoice address. Other mail and reminders should be sent to our postal address.)
We have been in Stockholm as an accounting firm since the early 90s, then under the name PBK Outsourcing. The name change to Accountor was made in 2014. In 2015, Matrisen Ekonomi & Rådgivning was acquired and the businesses merged into the strong full-service agency we are today.
Quality is important to us and we strive for all our consultants to be authorized. We empoloy over 20% authorized accounting consultants and authorized payroll consultants. Regardless of authorization or not, we all work according to the Swedish industry standards Reko and SALK, as well as well-proven routines adapted to your company's situation and needs.

Much of the accounting today is digitalised and moved online. With the modern aids we use today, it does not matter where your accounting firm is located. We can help you no matter where in Sweden you have your business.
An advantage of modern accounting is that you as a customer can take part in the cutting-edge expertise that is spread within Accountor and in our network of partners. Another advantage is an increased opportunity for us as a large accounting firm to share the resources between the offices, so that you as a customer always can feel confident with the delivery.
Would you like to become a customer?
Would you like to know more about our services or book a demo?
Call one of our business developer on +4620-30 00 40 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. you can also use our contact form.
Other questions
For other questions, you are welcome to call our switchboard +4610-475 01 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].